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The Integrated Entrepreneur Academy

Do Work
That Matters.

Get a free 30-day trial to The Integrated Entrepreneur Academy today. After your trial ends, the subscription price proceeds at the current founder's rate of $48/mo and stays locked-in for the life of your membership.

Why the TIE Academy is right for you


Your Cure for Entreprenurial Loneliness

You’ve chosen to live life on your own terms. Sometimes that makes it difficult to connect with people who can truly understand the unique highs and lows of the entreprenurial journey. Our office hours and virtual gatherings are the perfect places to connect and reenergize. Just because we are willing to go out on limb as we chart our own course doesn’t mean we have to be the only one in the tree.

Image by Brooke Cagle

Stop Pushing the Same Rock up the Same Hill 

We became entrepreneurs to free ourselves from the daily grind. Then we wake up one day and realize our business has become our prison. We’re doing the same things over and over again and getting nowhere. We are working for our business instead of our business working for us. This is not a “You” problem. This is a design problem. With five levels of self-guided coursework, we’ll help you ask bigger, better questions that will help you reimagine the design of your business. You deserve a self-sustaining, momentum gaining, business that is FREE: Fun, Rewarding, Engaging and Energizing.

Image by Chris Montgomery

Build a Network that Builds your Business

We’ve all heard the saying “Your network is your net worth.” Sounds great, and it can be…once we’ve finally slogged through all of the dead end conversations, meetings with the wrong people, and potential partnerships that don’t pan out. What we need is a fitting room that lets us try on potential partners, collaborators and vendors at our own pace without wasting each other’s time. Our Fitting Room will allow you to explore the work of fellow TIE Members and learn who they are, what they do, and how they do it. You may even be able to take an introductory course to experience their work first hand.

Image by Unseen Studio

Finding the Right Tools for the Job

Sometimes it feels like something is always breaking. Our business requires constant maintenance, updates, and upgrades. Having quick access to the right tools can save a ton of time, resources, and stress. We want our business to work like a perfectly balanced flywheel that keeps going with less and less effort over time. We’ll help you find the right tools to keep your flywheel axel greased, fix any wobbles that show up, and identify the right places to push to keep your business moving with momentum.

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Find your People; Expand your Impact

Not everyone will resonate with your work. Finding the right people that will flourish in your business is essential to creating a self sustaining business ecosystem . The TIE Academy is housed in the same digital space as the LifeSpiral Project. This is a public forum that attracts people looking to improve their lives in some way. As a TIE Member, you can get to know them as they get to know you. You’ll have a community of people to help, support and educate. The more they get to know you you and learn about what you do, the more likely they are to seek you out and join your business community.

How does the TIE Academy work?

Each week you will unlock a digital lesson that you can learn at your own pace. Each video lesson will be less than thirty minutes, and will be supported by both written summaries and a full written transcript.


In addition, open virtual “office hours” will be held each week.You can stop in to ask questions, strategize with your peers, or simply hang out and enjoy the company and conversations of your fellow TIE Academy members.


Post questions, get answers, and converse with your fellow members in the TIE Social Community Network. Enjoy a social media setting without the spam, trolls, and controversy. The Mighty Network platform gives us a safe digital space to interact and explore any time, day or night.


Learn at your own pace:

  • Join a growing, global community of Entrepreneurial Teachers. 

  • Progress through Five Levels of coursework. 

  • Enjoy learning through our proprietary Momentum Learning process.

  • Create transformational change through our strategically designed AIM learning cycles.

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Free for the first 30 days!

Your 30-day trial will give you time to go through orientation, the first Level One learning cycle, and explore the online community and virtual office hours.

$48 per month

  • Cancel at any time, for any reason.

  • Price Lock-in for as long as you maintain your membership.

  • Includes all Levels of course work, access to the Flywheel Toolkit, virtual office hours, and access to both the TIE and LifeSpiral communities.

"The impact Ken has had on my business is immeasurable. Since working with him, I have experienced a remarkable shift in my mindset and decision-making. I now approach my business with greater self-assurance and ease, unafraid to try new things and take risks. Ken's unwavering support and belief in my abilities have alleviated the struggles I once felt as an entrepreneur, reminding me that my journey is shared by many."

~Jelina, PharmD, BCPS, BCACP, APh

A Message from Ken

There is a certain breed of entrepreneur that finds themselves compelled to solve problems for the greater good. They are passionate about leaving the world better than they found it, and aren’t satisfied with the solutions currently being offered. These people NEED to make a difference. They’ll fight every day, doing more with less, pushing to reach the right people, and knowing in their hearts that they have so much to offer the world.


Does that sound like you?


Are you following your own path and taking the road less traveled? Have you walked away from a “regular” career to do something you feel called to do? At some point, did you step onto the entreprenurial path, or are you contemplating doing so? 


It can be invigorating. It can be scary. It can be empowering. It can be lonely.


We know what that feels like. We know the joy and the struggle. We’ve lived it for over three decades. We believe in you and what you do.


All over the planet, there are entreprenurial teachers just like you looking to connect, evolve, and elevate their work. There are so many amazing humans inspiring each other, learning from each other, and supporting each other through the ups and downs of the entrepreneurial roller coaster ride.


We want to bring them together and energize the entire system into something that can shift the whole world a few degrees to the positive. We are done shouting into the noise. We want to raise our voices together. We are many, and together we are powerful.


We are building a virtual entreprenurial village where we can gather, learn, grow, and celebrate. 


This is not just a place for you to hang out though.


It’s a place where you come to think. It’s a place where we ask big questions. It’s a place where we challenge each other to evolve. This place is a place of learning. It’s an academy where you learn what it means to be the real, authentic you in everything you do. 


This is a place where we integrate all of the parts of ourselves. We live our lives while doing our work as a complete, balanced human who has chosen to serve something greater than ourselves. 


We are doing work that matters, and we are choosing to do it together.


This is the place where we do our best work, be our best selves, and live our best lives.

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